How to remove the footnote/endnote separator line in Word document?

To remove the footnote or endnote separator line in a Word document, follow these steps:

Remove Footnote/Endnote Separator Line in Word:

  1. How to remove the footnote

    How to remove the footnote

    In the document, click on the “View” tab and select “Draft.”

  2. Click on the “References” tab, then choose “Show Notes.”
  3. If your document contains both footnotes and endnotes, a “Show Notes” dialog box will appear. Select the desired option (e.g., “View footnote area”) and click “OK.” If you have only footnotes or endnotes, you can skip this step.
  4. The Notes section will be displayed at the end of the document. Select “Footnote Separator” in the Footnotes drop-down list.
  5. Highlight the separator line and press the “Delete” key to remove it.
  6. Switch back to the “Print Layout” view of the document.

The separator line for footnotes should now be removed from the document.


  • If you want to remove the endnote separator line, follow the same process, but choose “View endnote area” in the “Show Notes” dialog and select “Endnote Separator” in the Endnotes drop-down list.


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