How to convert number to words in Word document?

This guide demonstrates how to convert numbers to English words within a Word document using VBA. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Number to Convert:
    • Choose the number you want to convert to words.
    • Press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window.
  2. Insert a New Module:
    • Click on Insert > Module.
    • Copy the VBA code below and paste it into the Module window.
Sub ConvertNumberToWord()
‘ Update by Extendoffice 20181010
Dim xDigit As Double
Dim xBuff As String
On Error Resume Next
Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, 1, wdMove
Selection.MoveRight wdWord, 1, wdExtend
xDigit = Val(Trim(Selection.Text))
If xDigit = 0 And Str(xDigit) <> Trim(Selection.Text) Then Exit Sub
If xDigit > 999999 Then
If xDigit <= 999999999 Then
xBuff = Trim(Int(Str(xDigit / 1000000)))
Selection.Fields.Add Selection.Range, wdFieldEmpty, “= ” + xBuff + ” \* CardText”, True
Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, 1, wdExtend
xBuff = Selection.Text & ” million “
xDigit = Right(Str(xDigit), 6)
End If
End If
If xDigit <= 999999 Then
Selection.Fields.Add Selection.Range, wdFieldEmpty, “= ” + Str(xDigit) + ” \* CardText”, True
Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, 1, wdExtend
xDigit = xBuff & Selection.Text
Selection.TypeText xDigit + ” “
MsgBox “Number too large”, vbOKOnly, “Kutool for Word”
End If
End Sub
  1. Press F5 to Run the Code. The number is now converted to words.
How to convert number to words in Word document

How to convert number to words in Word document


  • The code works for one number at a time.
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