Extracting Text After a Specific String in Excel

Extracting Text After a Specific String in Excel. Learn how to retrieve specific text strings in Microsoft Excel following a designated reference text. By combining functions like TRIM, MID, SEARCH, and LEN, you can efficiently extract data from a column based on a particular text marker.

Extracting Text After a Specific String in Excel

Let’s illustrate this through an example:

Suppose your text resides in column A, and you aim to extract results into column B using the criterion stored in cell D2.

For instance, if ‘powerful’ is the criteria in cell D2, the formula in B2 would be: =TRIM(MID(A2,SEARCH($D$2,A2)+LEN($D$2),255))

Should you change the criteria text to ‘tool,’ the result would adjust accordingly (as demonstrated in the screenshot below):

Extracting Text After a Specific String in Excel. This technique allows you to obtain text strings occurring after a specified text pattern effortlessly.

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