How to insert bullet between words in a Word document?

While it’s straightforward to insert bullet points before text in a Word document, inserting mid-paragraph bullets between words requires a different approach.

Insert Mid-Paragraph Bullets Between Words in Word Using the Symbol Feature:

The standard Symbol feature in Word can help you insert mid-paragraph bullets between words. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert mid-paragraph bullets and click on Insert > Symbol > More Symbol, as shown in the screenshot:

  2. In the Symbol dialog box, select the bullet symbol you want to insert, as shown in the screenshot:

  3. Click the Insert button, and the selected bullet will be inserted between the words, as shown in the screenshot:

Insert Mid-Paragraph Bullets Between Words in Word Using Shortcut Keys:

If you are familiar with shortcut keys, the following shortcuts can also help you achieve this:

  1. Click where you want to insert mid-paragraph bullets, then press Alt and enter the symbol’s code from the numeric keypad, as shown in the screenshot below:

  2. The specified bullet will be inserted between the words, as shown in the screenshot:

    How to insert bullet between words in a Word document

    How to insert bullet between words in a Word document

Now you’ve successfully inserted mid-paragraph bullets between words in your Word document.

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