How to generate random text in Word document?

If you want to generate random text in a Word document, you can use formulas like =rand(), =lorem(), and =rand.old(). Here’s how to do it:

  1. Using =rand(X,Y):
    • X is the number of paragraphs you want to generate.
    • Y is the number of sentences in each paragraph.


    • If you type =rand(3,2) and press Enter, Word will generate three random paragraphs, each with two sentences.

      How to generate random text in Word document

      How to generate random text in Word document

  2. Using =lorem(X,Y):
    • X is the number of paragraphs you want to generate.
    • Y is the number of sentences in each paragraph.


    • If you type =lorem(3,2) and press Enter, Word will generate three random paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum text, each with two sentences.
  3. Using =rand.old(X,Y):
    • X is the number of paragraphs you want to generate.
    • Y is the number of sentences in each paragraph.


    • If you type =rand.old(3,2) and press Enter, Word will generate three duplicated paragraphs, each with two sentences.

Note: If you just type =rand() and press Enter, Word will generate five paragraphs, each with a random number of sentences.

This can be useful when you need temporary placeholder text to check the layout and formatting of your document.
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