How to insert color coded drop down list in Word table?

Assume you have a table in your Word document, and you wish to incorporate a color-coded drop-down list in one of the table columns. This means that when you choose an option from the drop-down, the cell color changes to red, and selecting another option turns the cell color green, as illustrated in the screenshot. How can you accomplish this in a Word document?

Inserting a color-coded drop-down list in a Word document involves the following steps, utilizing VBA code:

  1. Insert the Drop-Down List:
    • Select a cell in the table where you want to insert the drop-down.
    • Click on the “Developer” tab and choose the “Drop-Down List Content Control” icon.
    • The drop-down will be added to the specified cell.
    • Click on “Developer” again and select “Properties.”
    • In the “Content Control Properties” dialog, perform the following:
      • Enter a title into the “Title” text box.
      • Click “Add” to access the “Add Choice” dialog.
      • In the “Add Choice” dialog, type drop-down list items into the “Display Name” text box.
    • Repeat step 3 to add other drop-down list items.
    • After creating the first drop-down list, copy and paste it into other cells as needed.
  2. Apply VBA Code:
    • Press Alt + F11 to open the “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” window.
    • Double-click on “ThisDocument” in the Project Explorer to open the code window.
    • Copy and paste the provided VBA code into the blank module.

Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnExit(ByVal ContentControl As ContentControl, Cancel As Boolean)
With ContentControl.Range
If ContentControl.Title = “Status” Then
Select Case .Text
Case “Complete”
.Cells(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorRed
Case “In Progress”
.Cells(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorGreen
Case “Not Start”
.Cells(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorBlue
Case Else
.Cells(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
End Select
End If
End With
End Sub

  • Customize the title (“Status”) and options (“Complete,” “In Progress,” “Not Start”) in the VBA code according to your requirements.
  • Save and close the code window.
  • Close and reopen the Word document to enable the macro.
How to insert color coded drop down list in Word table

How to insert color coded drop down list in Word table

Now, selecting an item from the drop-down list will dynamically change the cell color based on the chosen option.
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