Cookie Policy

In the interest of giving our Site an attractive appearance and in order to allow the use of certain functions, we use cookies on various pages of our Site. They consist of small text files that are stored on your computer. Most of these cookies used by us will be erased from your hard drive immediately after your browser session (so-called session cookies).
Other cookies remain saved to your computer’s hard drive and enable us to recognize your computer in the event of a later visit to our website (so-called persistent cookies). It is particularly these cookies that allow us to make our Site more user-friendly, effective and safe. Thanks to these files, for example, it is possible to display information specifically suited to your personal preferences on a certain webpage. These cookies will be erased automatically after the duration of one year.
The legal grounds for processing the cookie information consists of the execution of the agreement as well as of our rightful interest towards the safe and user-friendly presentation of our Site.
For the same reason, the Site uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. Stratasys may use a cookie file, which is stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer and/or your mobile telephone device, to obtain information about your general internet usage. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s and/or mobile telephone device’s hard drive. They help us to improve the Site and the Services, and to deliver a better and more personalised service. They enable Stratasys:
to estimate Stratasys’s audience size and usage pattern and perform other analytics;
to store information about your preferences and so allow Stratasys to customise the Site and/or Services according to your individual interests;
to continually improve Stratasys’ services; and
to recognise you when you return to the Site.
You may block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of the Site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, Stratasys’ system will issue cookies when you log on to the Site and/or use the Services or our Software. You may wish to look at has further information on cookies and how to manage them.
The help function in the menu of most browsers explains how to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, how to signal to your browser about the reception of a new cookie and also, how you can erase all collected cookies as well as how to block all future ones.
Please act as following:
In Internet Explorer:
Select the item “Internet Options” from the “Extras” menu in the toolbar.
Select the “Privacy” tab.
Now, you can choose the safety settings for the internet zone. You select the cookies that are to be accepted or denied.
Click “OK” to confirm these settings.
In Firefox:
Select “Settings” from the toolbar.
Click “Privacy”.
Select “Use custom settings for history” from the dropdown menu.
Now you can select whether cookies are to be accepted and for what duration you want to store the cookies. You can also add exceptions and determine the websites that are always or never allowed to store cookies.
Click “OK” to confirm these settings.
In Google Chrome:
Select the menu icon in the browser toolbar.
Select “Settings”.
Click the link “Show advanced settingsā€¦”.
Click “Content Settingsā€¦”.
In the “Cookies” section, you can select the following settings:
We remind you however that, in the event of limited cookie settings on your computer, you will not be able anymore to use all functions of our Site to the fullest extent possible.
Analysis tools and Internet Technologies

The legal basis for the processing of your data along with collective analytical tools and internet technologies is our rightful interest towards an analysis of the activities on our website and the user’s and surfer’s behaviour on the Site, as well as our interest (and the interest of third parties) in the inclusion of personalized advertisement suited to your interests.
Google Analytics

This Site uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics makes use of so-called “cookies” as mentioned before, text files stored on your computer that allow an analysis of your use of our website. In principle, the information about your use of our website as displayed by the cookie is transferred to and stored on the Google server in the US. We activated a so-called IP anonymization on this website, which means that Google shortens the IP addresses from within EU Member States or from other EEA treaty states before they are exported to the US server. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address may be transferred to the US Google server before it is shortened in the US.
As instructed by this Site’s operator, Google will use the in
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