How to Place a Watermark Vertically in a Word Document?

By default, a watermark can only be inserted diagonally or horizontally into a document as illustrated in the screenshot below. If you wish to create a vertical watermark in your document, there is no direct method to do so. Here, I introduce a small workaround for you to manually accomplish it.

Placing a Watermark Vertically Manually

This section will guide you through a small workaround to place a watermark vertically manually. Please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Word document containing the watermark you want to switch to a vertical layout.
  2. Double-click the page header section to enter the header editing mode.
  3. Click on the watermark to select it, place the cursor on the green dot until the rotation handle appears.
  4. Rotate the watermark to a vertical layout as shown in the screenshot below:
  5. Click the “Close Header and Footer” button in the Header & Footer Tools tab.

After this, you will notice that the existing watermarks in the current document have been changed to a vertical layout as shown in the screenshot below:

How to Place a Watermark Vertically in a Word Document

How to Place a Watermark Vertically in a Word Document

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